The admin bar is visible throughout your entire website. It only shows up for you if you’re logged in so no visitor to your website will ever see the admin bar.
Depending on the location you are on your website, the admin bar changes. It will help you make changes to pages, posts, categories, tags, and more with options that are unique for different areas of your website.
The image below shows an overview of the WPHubSite WordPress admin bar on a page. Many of the options will stay the same no matter where you are on your website (such as SEO and New).
Below the following overview image you’ll find a description of all the options and more information about each one.

Detailed Overview Of All Admin Bar Links
Some of the items on the item bar have several options behind them. If you hover the cursor over each option some of them will expand with more options.
This section goes over the details of the options and explains more about what you can do from the WPHubSite WordPress admin bar.
WPHubSite Logo
Even the WPHubSite logo does something on the admin bar. If you click it then you will be Brough to the WPHubSite home page.
My Sites
If you manage more than one site on the WPHubSite network then you will see them all listed in My Sites. Once you hover over the My Sites link then you will see a list of other sites which can also be hovered over for more options.
Each site listed in My Sites lets you quickly access the following:
- Dashboard: Quickly go to the WPHubSite WordPress admin dashboard for the website.
- New Post: Create a new post on the site you chose.
- Manage Comments: Review comments people have left so you can approve them, delete them, or mark them as spam.
- Visit Site: Go directly to the site’s home page.
Your Site
If you’re on the back end of your website then your only option will be to visit the front end of your website. If you’re on the front end of your website then you’ll have the following options.
- Dashboard: Go to the back end dashboard of your website where you can make changes to your site and quickly access all content.
- Themes: Quickly view the theme you’re using (there’s only one, the WPHubSite Theme!) and access theme related configurations such as Customize, Widgets, Menus, and pro theme modules.
- Widgets: Access the widget configuration screen for WordPress. While you can use widgets to configure some things in WordPress, we’re not a big fan of them and don’t recommend using them at all. You will have a lot more power using Site Builder.
- Menus: Access the menus appearance configuration menu. You can create, modify, and remove menus from this screen. Check out the menus configuration help article for more information about menus.
This link is a quick way to get into the Appearance > Customize link in the back end. It will open up the theme customizer which will let you fine tune the look of your website and make other changes too. There’s a whole help article about the WPHubSite WordPress customizer.
The icon that looks like a chat bubble will have a number next to it if you have any unapproved comments. Click this icon to go into the back end of WPHubSite WordPress and approve, reject, or report as spam any comments that were made on your blog posts.
Create all sorts of great new things for your WPHubSite WordPress website. You can create things such as
These are shortcuts to create new items in each of these sections of your website. They’re no different than clicking on the Add New links under each section of the admin dashboard.
Edit Page, Post, Etc.
This link will change depending on what type of item you’re on. If you’re on a blog post it will say Edit Post but if you’re on a page it will say Edit Page.
Site Builder
Access the WPHubSite Site Builder on pages (do not use it on posts) so you can use the drag and drop features and more easily create rich pages. There’s a help article to learn more about Site Builder and how to use it. This option will only show up on pages or if you have a sitewide Site Builder Themer part set up.
Purge SG Cache
Purge all website cache information so it will rebuild. This is helpful if you’re seeing odd things happen in Site Builder or if changes aren’t taking effect. Sometimes you may also need to clear your local browser cache if you’re seeing a lot of issues and this doesn’t help.
Access your account to make changes to your WPHubSite website plan, delete your account, view all sites, see billing history, and most important for Starter and Pro plans you can add your own custom domain.
Your Username
Your username (or maybe your name) will always show up in the top right corner of the admin bar. If you hover over it then there are more menu options. If you click on it then you’l be brought to your profile settings where you can change your name, settings, and more.
Here’s what you’ll find if you hover over your username:
- Username: This is the same as clicking on the menu rather than hovering over it. Just click on your username if you’d like to change your account settings.
- Edit My Profile: This link is also the same as the last two and lets you change your account settings.
- Log Out: Log out of your account which will log you out and put you on your website’s log in screen.