You will update your domain A record to point to our server so you can set up a custom domain for your website. Where your domain is registered will determine how this process works. You’ll find instructions for the most common registrars.
If you need assistance making the change please contact us and we can help you figure out how to change your domain A record.
Once your A record is changed with your domain registrar you will need to connect your domain on your WPHubSite account page. There’s also a video at the bottom of this page that walks through both topics.
Domain Registrars
Google Domains
These steps help you through changing your domain’s A record so your website works with WPHubSite. You can follow nearly all the same steps to create an A record also if you don’t have one.
Step 1: Log into your Google Domains account so you’re in the My Domains tab.
Step 2: Choose the Manage button next to your domain.

Step 3: Open the DNS tab.
Step 4: In the Custom resource records section (you have to scroll way down towards the bottom) you should have an A record. It has an IP address in it (something like Click the Edit button in the A record row.

Step 5: Change the IP address to the IP address listed in your WPHubSite website dashboard account summary. It’s in the Custom Domain section.
Step 6: The Save button will save your change to the IP address and begin the propagation process. Change can take from 24-48 hours to propagate but typically they propagate within the hour.
Note: If you don’t have an A record, fill out the following details (be sure to fill out the right IP address, the part) and then click the Add button:

Step 7: If you don’t have a CNAME record for the www ( of your domain and would like one then follow this step. If you don’t want a www option for your domain then skip this step ( Add a CNAME record with the following settings and then click the Add button.

Note: Be sure to enter your but all the other fields are identicle.
That’s it! Once this information propagates then your website will work with your domain. You can access your dashboard with your same username and password you signed up with. Your login is accessible by adding a /wp-admin/ at the end of your domain.
Now you’ll need to connect your domain on your WPHubSite account page. Keep in mind that it may take up to 48 hours for your domain settings to propagate from your registrar. Usually it happens within minutes but on occasion it does take longer.
Coming Soon
You can use the built-in BasicDNS tool in Namecheap to add an A record and CNAME record to point to the WWW version of your website if you choose. These instructions will walk you through doing both but you do not have to create a CNAME record if you don’t want or need the WWW version of your website.
The first thing you need to do is log into your account on Namecheap. From your Dashboard you can follow the instructions below to point your domain to your WPHubSite WordPress website.
Step 1: Click the Domain List menu item.
Step 2: Click the Manage button next to the domain you’d like to point to WPHubSite.

Step 3: Make sure the name servers section says Namecheap BasicDNS. If it doesn’t you will need to select it from the list and click the small checkmark to save the setting.
Step 4: Click the Advanced DNS tab.

Step 5: Click the ADD NEW RECORD button under the host records section.

Step 6: Choose A Record from the drop-down menu.
Step 7: Type an @ sign in the Host box.

Step 8: Change the IP address to the IP address listed in your WPHubSite website dashboard account summary. It’s in the Custom Domain section.
Step 9: Click the small green check to save the settings.

If you don’t want a WWW version of your website ( then you can skip the next steps and you’re done. If you do want a WWW version then continue on.
Step 10: Click the ADD NEW RECORD button.

Step 11: Select CNAME Record from the drop-down menu.
Step 12: Type www into the Host box.
Step 13: Type your domain (without the www) into the Target box.
Step 14: Click the small green check to save the settings.

That’s it!
Your Host Records section should look like below but with an IP address for the A Record and your domain for the CNAME Record value. It will automatically save everything and propagate from there.
The propagation process can take up to 72 hours but often takes much less than 24 hours.

Update Your Domain Record Video
This video covers how to set your domain A record and connect your custom domain.